Business Sponsorship available through Friends of Danvers Recreation
We are looking to partner with your business to create positive exposure for your brand while supporting meaningful local projects supported by Friends of Danvers Recreation. Please review the sponsorship levels and consider supporting this great event in town!
Platinum Sponsor - Entire Concert Series Sponsor – $2,500 (Only 4 available)
Logo Board to be displayed at all concert events – If you have a banner or sign you prefer to use we can display it at the shows
Platinum listing on Summer Concert Series Flyer to be distributed/posted throughout Danvers
Platinum listing on the Summer Concert Series and Danvers Rotary websites
Platinum listing on sponsor “A” frame sign, displayed at all of the concerts
Ability for your business to have on-site presence at each Market or concert event
1 market booth to a local vendor
One designated show to Join the MC for the introduction of “your band”
GOLD Level Sponsor - $750 (12 available)
GOLD listing on Summer Concert Series Flyer to be distributed/posted throughout Danvers
GOLD listing on the Summer Concert Series and Danvers Rotary websites
GOLD listing on sponsor “A” frame sign, displayed at all of the concerts
Ability for your business to set up a table/booth the night of your sponsored concert
Join the MC for the introduction of “your band”
SILVER Level Sponsor - $500
SILVER listing of Summer Concert Series Flyer to be distributed/posted throughout Danvers
SILVER listing on the Summer Concert Series and Danvers Rotary websites
SILVER listing on sponsor “A” frame sign, displayed at all of the concerts
Ability for your business to set up a table/booth the night of your sponsored concert
BRONZE Sponsor - $250
BRONZE listing of Summer Concert Series Flyer to be distributed/posted throughout Danvers
BRONZE listing on the Summer Concert Series and Danvers Rotary websites
BRONZE listing on sponsor “A” frame sign, displayed at all of the concerts